Love is all around...

Friday, December 16, 2005

Juz an update..

Juz an update of wat's happening in class last evening..Well, I started of wif Marketing module..It seems tat I'm in the last batch of students..the rest of them mebbe have started earlier..Marketing was their 4th or even the last module for them..So they knew each other..And I'm just a stranger to them..

The lecturer was fine...So not tat bored in class..except tat, I can't stand this particular 'boy'..U noe y I called him 'boy'..coz he behaved like one small kid..Asking stupid questions which are not relevant to the topic..C'monlah boy! Grow up, will u!!Umur dah tua bangka,badan tinggi melampai cam KLCC, kepala hotak hang jer yang singkat..And tis lecturer pun bule layankan..Kanasai betul..Best part is tat, the rest of the students pun diam jer (termasuk aku jugak)! $%@#!@! punya olang! Nasib baik lah yesterday was my 1st day..kalau tak, tak kena hamun, nasib ah!

The lecturer reminded us not to miss any of the class..macam dia tau lak aku nak ponteng..CET!