Love is all around...

Monday, May 29, 2006


While most Singaporean are enthusiastic over Singapore Idol new season, lil Kinah pun ada idol..And her idol is... 
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Yup..Barney is her idol...Siang malam pagi petang, Barney, barney, barney..Celik mata, bukak vcd barney, nak tutup mata, vcd Barney, pendek kata, me sendrik pun tak dapat nak tengok news..kalau singapore kena tsunami, tak sempat lari..We brought her to IMM yesterday for the short Barney show..She can't believe her eyes wen she saw Barney live!!All the while she just adore Barney from the VCD...Haizzz...during the show, she was all out..Joget tak ingat orang..dia ingat macam zaman lantai t-pinkie agaknya!!