Love is all around...

Friday, January 13, 2006


*Pooohh* My blog dah fool of dust..Berabuk sungguh bila tak update..Heya peeps..Sorry for not updating..i've been very, extremely, to the max, super-duper busy..Wif year end updates need to complete, wif more incoming 'urgent' tasks/assignment, wif interviews, wif Lil Kinah not well..*Sigh*

2nd day of Xmas, brought her to the clinic for cough and phlegms..Then, eve of New Year, brought her there again for stomach flu..and just few days b4 Raya Haji, brought her for fever..U see, how bz I was for the past few weeks..Brought her to the clinic where my sis is working..The doctor told me that Kinah is having ear infection..Oh my..that's teribble..Poor gerl..No wonder she slept uncomfortably..And I had sleepless nights too..Pegi keje pun mcm zombie...

But 1 thing for sure, no matter how sick she is..she's still damn hyperactive...can still make us laugh wif her kerenah.. though at times can be so cranky..

(B4 going to the clinic..)