Love is all around...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Weekend updates


My 4th wedding anniversary fell on 3rd Feb 2006.  Gave hubby a pair of Levis jeans + neverending love..and wat I got in return? *Hugs hubby*...A beautiful bangle + cinta yg tak kehabisan..hehehe..Baru beli semalam..Thanks dearie..
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Already planned to cook ala� org kahwin..Nasi jagung, sambal ayam, sayur chap chye..First attempt in tat nasi jagung..Siap beli rose water..benda-benda yg tak pernah aku gunakan sepanjang penglibatanku dalam masak memasak..hahaha..mcm real..But alhamdullilah...menjadi jugak..Actually shud go for dalcha..Tapi oleh kerana lum pandai lagik masak dalcha terpaksa substitute ngan Chap chye..Cin cai lah..

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Dessert of the day..BUBUR KACANG DURIAN..Actually I don't fancy bubur kacang..but since hubby loves it, masakkan jer..
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Felt tired after sessi masak memasak,wif Kinah around, I can't really concentrate well on the cooking..Just imagine, started preparing cum cooking kul 10am, and I'm done wif everything only @ between 3 kali kena tutup api juz becoz of Kinah..Though her ayah was around to play wif her, dia sibuk jugak nak masuk dapur..In the end,I've got no choice, but to put her to sleep..then continued wif my cooking..But no matter how tired I was, at the end of the day, tis lil gerl will cheer me up...
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