Alhamdullilah,2 papers gone..Left with the last one tomorrow..I was on leave on Mon and Tues for the first 2 papers..Today, takde paper, tapi kena keje..Nak amik cuti pun kena screen..baru nak amik few days, dah kena interrogate ngan my boss..Coz if i'm on leave, no one will retrieve his email, no one will arrange for his appt, no one will report to him on daily operations..Wat the #@!$#@!..Si anu @ keje tu amik cuti seminggu pun ko tak byk songeh..
Well, enuff abt those membebels..I'm gonna update u on my new experiment..Got this resep from Kak Idahmann and Mamadewi..Thanks sweet ladies..My "agarĀ² cocoa oreo"..

ps: Kak Idah, ilah ubah sikit resep nyer...ilah pakai susu pekat yg disuggestkan, and iLah add 1/2 cup susu HL..Tambah kalsium..Untuk menguatkan lagi tulang dan gigi..Muehehehe
Well, enuff abt those membebels..I'm gonna update u on my new experiment..Got this resep from Kak Idahmann and Mamadewi..Thanks sweet ladies..My "agarĀ² cocoa oreo"..

ps: Kak Idah, ilah ubah sikit resep nyer...ilah pakai susu pekat yg disuggestkan, and iLah add 1/2 cup susu HL..Tambah kalsium..Untuk menguatkan lagi tulang dan gigi..Muehehehe
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