Love is all around...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Hey! I'm a professional cameragerl, u noe..If u need my service, just gimme a call...Here's my unique number KOLKINAH @ 56554624..Or u can just email me at lilchikun@noway.mail.  If u're my ibu's frens, special discount, no problem...Just quote, KAWANG IBU...errr...tak percaya??Sila lihat dibawah...

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One of my originals...mana ada camera yg bule buat cam gini..ada double vision lagik..only my ibu's hp yg bule tangkap gambar cam gini punya kelas!! Don't worry, quality guaranteed..

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Pple, juz look at wat lil Kinah had done..First she used my hp to send MMS of her pics to a few pple in my contact list.. and now, she used my hp, to make being a cameragerl..