Love is all around...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Oh...Anak kambing..

This anak kambing..(see her toncet dua) was busy eating her fruit loops for breakfast..wen she did not realised wat I'm doing..
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Caught in action..
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Hey U! Give me tat hp!
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Heheheh..It was this morning....Luckily, I've managed to keep my hp..or else, she'll play wif it..habis sumer no dia tekan..BTW,she learned a new song, sung by me, of coz.."Sumba gelek-gelek song.." She loved that song..Or else, she'll sing 'uai..aju-aju..pai..kok ene', (reads as "Buai Laju-laju, sampai pokok sena)..she will sing tat song as she sits on her swing..Nasib baik dia tak nyanyi, "Aku nak kahwin ngan anak raja!!!"..

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Kinah turns 17mths...

How fast time flies..She turned 17mths on 24/01/06..7mths time she will be 2yrs old..Rasanya mcm baru jer celebrate her 1st yr birthday. No wonder she was so cranky from Monday..sampailah semalam. Pernah terdengar org-org tua ckp, budak kalau meragam, tukar bulan namanya..dunno whether it's true or not..Esp during the time she was born..

I was on urgent leave yesterday,coz my mum wen 'melawat'..One of her relative..I was unwell at the same time..Hub insisted tat I shud visit my 'goddaddy'(doctor) and get an mc instead of wasting my leave..But no pointlah..I need a good rest if I take any medication..Wif Kinah's around, no way tat I can enjoy my rest..Hub was good enuff to take an urgent leave too looking at my condition..I won't be able to jaga Kinah all by myself..

Sakit-sakit jugak..tapi masak jln terus..Managed to cook 2 simple dishes..Black pepper chicken and Seafood tom yam soup..Neway, lets talk abt Kinah's development..

Sekarang dah pandai berbual..I remembered one conversation wif her as she was playing wif her 'masak-masak'..
Me : Kinah, buat aper tu?
Her: Acak...(jgn marah eh dgn pelat dia..)
Me :Masak?? Wah...Masak aper tu?
Me : Nasi..Wah..Ibu nak sikit boleh?
Her:bule....Nah..mamam..(and she 'suap' me)

Another conversation, tis time on the phone..
Me :Ello Kinah...naughty tak?
Me : Good girl..Nenek marah tak??
Her: Tak...
Me : Kinah dah mandi??
Her: Dah..
Me :Sapa mandikan?
Me :Dah brush teeth?

Hmmm...dah bule ajak berbual budak nie..But then, she still calls me 'Abu'...nasib baik tak arang..

Saturday, January 21, 2006


I'm looking forward for next weekend, long break!!!Can't wait..I'm tired!Extremely tired!!How I wish during the long weekend, I can just sleep,sleep and sleep..Keje mcm nak mampus..Gaji cinonet, enuff for a small fly..tapi keje bertimbun, mcm big shot..*Tampar mulut* Astaghfirullah.."Kenapa ko tak pernah bersyukur, iLah!!!

Hehehe..i dunnolah, y these few days, I keep whining..Muka dah berkerut..Mcm menteri fasola tengah berak..Ceh!

Neway, let me tell u this story..A real story of one of my staff here..He's a Sarawakian..Nama Gendang..*Korang jgn ketawa tgk nama dia..he's one of my best staff here* Cian, dtg sini cari rezeki utk anak bini..But he's a sick man...I mean not in the brain..but he's asthmatic..Last Fri, he told 1 of the supervisor tat he's going to the govt hospital in JB, to get treatment for his asthma..It was raining heavily..and that was the last day we saw him...Till Tuesday,I can't sit still or peacefully..I was told by one of the boys tat mebbe he was admitted in hospital..

Tried calling the the no from the govt website..Damn!It was a wrong no..So camner nak call eh..Got no choice, but to get it from one of the malaysian guy kat bawah..Wednesday, I got shocked wen I heard tat he met wif an accident..and in serious condition..Paling sedih, no hope for him..I feel sad, guilty also..of coz I have to feel guilty..I have to be responsible for him tau..

Luckily I've got my OM to send a rep to visit him there and check his condition..and if possible, send him here for further treatment..My rep told us tat Gendang pitam on his way to the hospital..and unconscious for 3 nights..Arrangement made to transfer him to SGH..Thank god..Thanks to my rep too for his effort to help his poor colleague..I saw him b4 he was send to SGH..Poor thing..he's so pale..tangan trembling..

I make an official visit to see him @ SGH on Thursday..b4 I went for my class..Penat kan..So shocked tengok dia and listened to his story..

Me : Sebenarnya, apa dah jadi dengan awak, Gendang?
Him : Saya ke JB untuk mendapatkan bekalan ubat..Tapi sewaktu saya di teksi stand, tiba-tiba saya pitam..Bila saya bangun, saya sudah berada di hospital..
Me : Berapa lama awak disana?Kenapa tak telefon ofis?
Him : Saya tak tau, sebab bila saya tanya nurse, dia kata sudah 3mlm saya tak sedarkan diri..
Me : Maksud awak, koma?
Him : Mcm gitulah..Bila Sugu(the rep) nak bawak saya balik sini, saya nak tukar baju, tapi nurse kata, baju saya takde..
Me : Tak paham...Baju awak pegi mana?
Him : Saya kena rompak..Habis baju, seluar, kasut, dan duit saya hilang...
Me : ABih tu, awak diantar ke hospital tak pakai aper-aper?
Him : Tak..Nasib baik, handphone saya,passport, MP4 saya tak hilang...
Me : Dan nasib baik dia tak campakkan awak kat pantai lido tu..hehehe...

Dengar tu kengkawan..aku lum sempat beli MP3, member dah ader MP4..Lawan tokey....But neway,i'm truly dissapointed wif the treatment he got over 'there'..Dada dia kena tebuk..dan dijahit balik, mcm jahit guni..mcm jahit mayat kena post-mortem..sungguh tak cantik..Mcm nak nangis..kuar air mata idung sumer..

So, the moral of the story here yang terkena kat btg idung aku sendirik....bersyukur dengan aper yang ada..ada org lain lagik susah dari kita, sanggup merantau, cari rezeki though gaji kecik..Aku nie asyik nak complain, mengeluh..

But him, he's such a nice man..he just came back from sarawak to celebrate Xmas wif his family..and I heard, he bought 1 set of Dell Pc cost S$1500, 3 brand new Nokia HP for his family..Not because he's rich, but his hard-earn $$ from his hard work..

Friday, January 13, 2006

Ika's wedding..

THE BRIDE                                 THE GROOM
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This lovely couple finally got married on 31st December 2005..(Org sibuk nak countdown, korang sibuk nak kahwin..)Hehehe..Neway, majlis berjalan lancar, alhamdullilah..Got to meet Aries..Wat a small world..dah jadi sedara eh..But got no chance to 'gossiping' coz she's rushing to another majlis..Takper Aries, we'll meet some other time..For more pixs..pls visit my fotopages...


*Pooohh* My blog dah fool of dust..Berabuk sungguh bila tak update..Heya peeps..Sorry for not updating..i've been very, extremely, to the max, super-duper busy..Wif year end updates need to complete, wif more incoming 'urgent' tasks/assignment, wif interviews, wif Lil Kinah not well..*Sigh*

2nd day of Xmas, brought her to the clinic for cough and phlegms..Then, eve of New Year, brought her there again for stomach flu..and just few days b4 Raya Haji, brought her for fever..U see, how bz I was for the past few weeks..Brought her to the clinic where my sis is working..The doctor told me that Kinah is having ear infection..Oh my..that's teribble..Poor gerl..No wonder she slept uncomfortably..And I had sleepless nights too..Pegi keje pun mcm zombie...

But 1 thing for sure, no matter how sick she is..she's still damn hyperactive...can still make us laugh wif her kerenah.. though at times can be so cranky..

(B4 going to the clinic..)